I’ve loved wine since before it was legal for me to love wine.
Cab franc, cab sav, Rhône reds, pinot (pre-Sideways). Enjoyed, yes. Understood, no.
I lacked the means of making the most of it. Whether in front of a wine list or wine aisle, I needed help making the wise choice (as waiters are minded to say) and also making sense of it.
That’s how Ourglass began.
No more guessing, feeling ignorant or taken for a fool. Just beautiful wine – traditional and natural – with promise of pleasure, pause and freedom from both boring mass produced shite or a forbidding wine priesthood.
Because nothing beats that revelatory first taste.
It's like travelling California in a drop-top, seeing The Streets live or eating Pierre Koffmann's food. You’re never the same again.
And that's why we're here. That's what we offer.
Beyond marketing, packaging, delivery, algorithms, tastings, Instagram, or a few well chosen words.
Playing pied piper to people on a wine journey of becoming, with all the joy, community and confidence that could entail. Welcome to your wine adventure.
Join us.
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